Microclimate Salt Cave - Cuvea de Sal

Microclimate Salt Cave  - Cuvea de Sal
About the product
Microclimate salt cave

In view of the increasing health awareness and healthy lifestyle in the society, Khewra Salt, in cooperation the Polish pioneer and leader in the construction of salt caves and saunas, offers you a microclimatic salt cave – a haven of crystal-pure air saturated with salt particles. An excellent choice in big polluted cities, with so few places in which one could relax, rest and be helped in getting rid of many diseases, and for spas, which would like to expand their offer with therapeutic and recreational offer. In our dreamlike caves you find charming cosy atmosphere and juicy seaside microclimate, which has soothing effect on your mind and body. The research into microclimate of salt caves shows that the concentration of microelements in salt caves is much higher than at the seaside. It was estimated that one 45-minute session in a salt cave is equivalent to three days spent at the seaside during a storm. The walls of a salt cave are stoned with salt chunks from Khewra Salt Mine weighing from 10 to 12 tons. The ceiling is made of plaster-cardboard panels, sprayed with salt formed into stalactites. The floor is covered with coarse pink Himalayan salt. Inside the cave, air-condition and ventilation systems of leading brands is installed. These devices ensure proper humidity, temperature and air circulation, thanks to which special microclimate is created inside the cave, identical to the climate found at the seaside. Each salt cave is equipped with air intake openings, overlaid with natural wood of high artistic and aesthetical qualities. Soundproof door leads to the cave. This door can be stylised to look like old door to the mine. Each cave is equipped with graduation towers made of natural twigs and water cascades fitted with JEET 1500 pump, pumping the brine from various types of therapeutic salt. Upon our clients’ request, we install ionisers, sound systems and computer systems.
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